

Bab al-Nabi Daoud is located in the western section of the southern part of the Wall. Its name originates from the fact that it was, and continues to be, a passageway leading to the shrine of the Prophet David, a large architectural complex that is commonly acknowledged by the followers of the three monotheistic religions. The majority of architectural activities on this shrine are attributed to the Ottoman period. In western literature, this gate was named Zion Gate, on account of its proximity to Zion’s cenacle or upper room, the place that Christians believe to be the site of the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples.



The gate’s layout is similar to that of other gates in terms of the slanted entry and the decorations, although the arrow slits and overviews of the gate are more similar to those of Bab al-Rahmah and Bab al-Tawba. An inscription on the inside of the gate refers to the Wall’s establishment by Sultan Suleiman I in 947 H.


There are two ways to reach Bab al-Khalil (Jaffa Gate). The first is the simplest, which involves entering from Bab al-Nabi Daoud, turning west (left) on the road leading to the Armenian Monastery, and walking along the road until reaching the eastern entrance of the Citadel and the courtyard of the Umar Ibn al-Khattab  Square at Bab al-Khalil. The second way is longer and relatively more difficult. It involves walking on the road along the Wall until reaching Bab al-Khalil from the outside where Birkit al-Sultan (The Sultan’s Pond), also known as Jawrat al-Inab (Jujube), is located. Indeed, both these trails are worth experiencing if time permits. 

Bab al-Nabi Daoud (Zion Gate)