The Roman general Pompey occupied Jerusalem in 63 BC, and the Holy City embarked on an era of prosperity and expansion. Water was provided by a huge public project. Herod appointed a Roman ruler of...
Emperor Constantine the Great declared Christianity the official religion of the eastern Roman Empire, thus rendering Jerusalem an international city. He sent his mother Helena to build the Church...
The Persian (Sassanid) occupied Jerusalem and destroyed a large number of churches inside and outside the city walls, including the Holy Sepulcher, the Church of Gethsemane, Church of Ascension, and...
Jerusalem was conquered in 637 AD at the hands of the Muslim Caliph Omar Ibn al-Khattab. The Covenant of Omar. Building the first mosque in Jerusalem. Reinforcement of the global nature of...
The Ismaili Shi'ite faith controls Jerusalem. Building a Fatimid hospital and science collage. Extensive renovation work in al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, particularly after the...
Jerusalem fell to the Franks. A horrific massacre (40,000 - 70,000 slaughtered). Dozens of Crusader churches are built. Jerusalem is the capital of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Al-Aqsa Mosque...
Saladin occupies Jerusalem, restores al-Aqsa Mosque, places a pulpit, restores the walls and the citadel and digs ditches, builds schools and religious recluses. The city is inhabited by...
The Mamluks succeeded in gradually controlling Greater Syria, including Jerusalem, in the wake of their stunning victory in the 'Ain Jalut battle in 1260. The city settled down for over two...
Jerusalem fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1516, during the rule of Sultan Salim I. Restoration and rebuilding of the citadel and the city walls by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (1537 - 1541). A...
Jerusalem falls to the British army on 11 December, 1917, and the British mandate starts. Jerusalem is the capital of Mandatory Palestine. Herbert Samuel is appointed High Commissioner of...
The modern western part of Jerusalem, which includes all modern institutions, fell to the Israeli forces in 1948. All Arab residents are displaced from the western part. The government and Knesset...
Israel occupies the rest of Jerusalem in June 1967. The Moroccan neighborhood is demolished, and the Jewish quarter is emptied and confiscated. The eastern part is annexed to Israel. Al-Aqsa...