City Attractions
City Attractions
Jewish Sites
This is one of the largest and most important of the Jewish synagogues in the Old City of Jerusalem. It is located near the eastern side of the Small Omari Mosque. Its stone dome...
Jewish Sites
This synagogue is located on land extending westward into the Armenia quarter. It is attributed to Rabbi Attar (aka Ohr ha-Chaim - the Light of Life), who was born in the Moroccan...
Jewish Sites
The Old City included a number of religious schools (Yeshivas), including the Porat Yosef Yeshiva, which was established in 1914, but building work continued until 1923. The...
Jewish Sites
These four synagogues form one fourth of the Jewish Quarter and are located right in its middle, a few steps below the street level. It has no architectural distinguishing...
Jewish Sites
Located near Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Mosque in the middle of the Jewish Quarter, this synagogue is attributed to Rabbi Moshe Bin Nahman (Nahmanides or Ramban). The synagogue was...
Jewish Sites
Established by the Haredi Ashkenazi Jewish sect, this synagogue carries the name of its founder, Rabbi Nissan Beck. It was built as a center for the Haridim sect between 1862 and...