City Attractions
City Attractions
Islamic Sites
Al-Jami’ al-Aqsa refers to the rectangular building with a ceiling and seven porticoes, located nearly in the middle of the southern wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The current plan...
Islamic Sites
To reach al-Marwani Mosque, the visitor must carefully walk down the steps of the Eastern Colonnade and move right (south) on the paved road that ends at the entrance of the...
Islamic Sites
To arrive at this station, one should return to the main road and walk a few meters to the curve, where a small, humble minaret can be seen, preceded by a few ascending steps. Al-...
Islamic Sites
The structure known as the Old al-Aqsa is accessed by leaving al-Marwani Mosque and walking towards al-Jami’ al-Aqsa. Before reaching the middle of the space leading up to al-Jami...
Islamic Sites
Location The Dome of the Rock is located in the middle of al-Aqsa Mosque compound, centered in an open space that rises from the ground level of al- Jami’ al-Aqsa by around four...
Islamic Sites
The Dome of the Chain is located directly to the east of the Dome of the Rock. A visitor leaving the Dome of the Rock from the eastern gate will directly see the Dome of the Chain...
Islamic Sites
The southern part of the Rabi’a al-‘Adawiyya street leads to the Salman al-Farisi Mausoleum ( maqam )and Mosque, located in the eastern part of the cemetery of al-Tur village,...
Islamic Sites
To approach the eastern colonnade, one must leave the Dome of the Chain and walk several meters east, where a series of arches are found in the center of the eastern wall of the...