Lingling Yu & Ming Zeng

Thursday, April 12 at 6 PM - 7 PM
Church of the Redeemer, Jerusalem
Muristan Road, Jerusalem, Israel
In the framework of Al Kamandjati Festival, we are pleased to present you the performance of LingLing and Ming Zeng.

Lingling Yu thanks to the company of her masters’ players of pipa, starting by the living treasure Dehai Liu, made in sort of that her range of knowledge bloomed. Her performance driven by an exceptional technical mastership is powerful, accurate, warm and creative, characterized by the clarity and the subtlety of the intention. The tremolos got by the rolling of the five fingers on the strings of the pipa luth, the pizzicatos, the play of the harmonics and other sonorities harmonize in order to create living descriptions of varied scenes. The repertoire of the pipa is shared between the music called « military » which vigorously describes the legendary fights and the music called « literary » which is inspired by poetry, landscapes and historical dramas. 
Ming Zeng will accompany Lingling with the sound of its bamboo dizi flute. Used to play for operas, this great flutist master associated to the virtuoso play of pipa, promises ethereal landscapes, divine exhalations thanks to a deep chinese traditional atmosphere.
For more information about the festival, please visit:
Tickets directly sold at Al Kamandjati Association (Ramallah - old city / Tel: 022973101 ) and the Educational bookshop in Jerusalem